Computer billion


#1 William Gates III

Net Worth $57.0 billion                                                                                                         Age 52
Marital Status Married, 3 children                                                                                             If you presume that he has worked 14 hours a day on every business day of the year since then, that means he's been making money at a staggering million dollars per hour, around $300 per second.


In 1998 he netted some $45 Billion, meaning that at the rate he's went, if he saw a $10,000 bill, he would have been just as well to pass it by.


That's right, in 1998 Bill's made much more (before taxes) than the entire population of Kuwait, all the Emirs, oil wells, Sheiks, millionaires and peasants -- everybody.



The $36 billion Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donates to causes such as fighting hunger in developing countries, improving education in America's high schools and developing vaccines against malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. Appointed Office veteran Jeffrey Raikes chief exec of Gates Foundation in September.



 #61 Steven Jobs



Net Worth $5.7 billion  

Age 53
Marital Status Married, 4 children

#12 Paul Allen


Net Worth $16.0 billion

Age 55
Marital Status Single

#15 Steven Ballmer


Net Worth $15.0 billion

Age 52
Marital Status Married, 3 children




AGE 59
